A unique wilderness in Niassa Special Reserve where carnivores continue to persist and thrive

with the full participation and support of local communities.


NCP serves to conserve large carnivores and their prey in NSR by promoting coexistence and

a shared respect for people, their culture, wildlife, and the environment.



01  Conservation Monitoring

To devise, collect and share data on the trend in the large carnivore populations and their threats Sin NSR through development of regularly collected, cost effective and long-term indicators that will inform management actions and provide an early warning system of change with all data collected and analysed in situ by Niassa residents and Mozambican staff and students.


02  Reduce Threats

To work in partnership with the NSR management team, local communities, local government and operators to secure ecologically stable leopard, lion, spotted hyaena, and African wild dog populations in Niassa Reserve, with no concomitant increase in carnivore attacks on people or livestock, by reducing direct threats(disease, illegal killing, unsustainable sport hunting, retaliatory killing) and addressing indirect threats including finding and testing locally derived alternative livelihoods and benefit sharing opportunities for local communities wherever possible that will reach a minimum of 1000 households.


03  Community Partnership (L5 South; 58,000 ha)

To develop and maintain a legally binding, inclusive, innovative and effective conservation partnership with Mbamba Village (2000 people; 420 households) to manage L5 South as the first community partnership of its kind inside NSR with stable wildlife populations, decreased conflict with wildlife, decreased illegal activities, clear roles and responsibilities with increasing food security, socio economic benefits and opportunities for the conservation friendly development of this community.



To develop a local relevant, sustainable environmental education and skills training program for Niassa residents centered around the Mariri Environmental and Skills training centre to promote conservation, wellbeing,, education and leadership through sponsored overnight bushvisits, wildlife clubs, sports, and outreach campaigns with at least 300-500 people visiting or attending courses at MEC a year and at least 5000 people reached across NSR with a measurable increase in knowledge of ways to coexist with wildlife.


05  Opportunities to Learn

To improve the awareness of conservation issues and the importance of large carnivores both nationally and internationally through sharing information and collaborating with partners with similar values, and actively by actively supporting, training and mentoring Mozambican conservationists to help to create a conservation culture in Mozambique to safeguard the future of Mozambique’s wildlife, people and wilderness areas.


2020 Conservation in Action Summary